Friday, November 7, 2008

Michelle is the new Hillary. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.

I cringed when Bill Clinton declared that Hillary and he would be a two-for-one deal.

Maybe it's my place in life, my experience or my desire to see a mother of young children in the White House, but I'm thrilled that the election of Barack means that we also get Michelle Obama.

It will be fascinating to watch a smart and powerful woman struggle with many of the issues we all face: where to send her kids to school, what to wear, what kind of dog to buy.  More important, she has the opportunity  to use her experience and position to improve the lives of other mothers and children.

That's a two-for-one deal I'll take.

Check out Newsweek's profile of Michelle.

1 comment:

Leciawp said...

I love Michelle Obama!