Monday, November 24, 2008

A Source for Missing Kitchen Appliance Thingamajigs and Doodads

A friend from high school sent us a great blender for our wedding.  We thought we'd use it a lot to make margaritas and other festive drinks.  In reality, we used it mostly for pesto, protein shakes and the like.  Still, it worked well and always reminded me of my friend.

Then, one day, I turned on the garbage disposal and heard a terrible sound.  Whirl, whirl.  Clunk, clunk.  Sc-r-ape.

The knob on the blender cover (you know, the piece that allows you to slowly add olive oil, but keeps the blueberry smoothie from spraying all over your kitchen) popped out of the blender top and into the garbage disposal.  In a few fateful seconds, it was mangled beyond recognition.  
I stashed the blender on a high shelf.  Sayonara, fruity drinks, I thought.

Then, the good folks at Williams-Sonoma introduced me to The Gourmet Depot.  The Gourmet Depot sells every random piece and doodad that you would ever need to keep your kitchen operating.  With a few clicks, I found a replacement for my "knob," actually called a fill cap. 
One week and a few dollars later, my blender was whole again.  We still haven't made fruity drinks.  But we could.  

The antitrust angle:  The Gourmet Depot recently merged with their #1 competitor, Culinary Parts Unlimited.  Pretty sure David Boies sat this one out.


Leciawp said...

Glad you got your appliance up and running - now I want to come over for that exotic drink you're capable of!

SherriLynn said...
